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Ajurvedic massages


One of the most effective ways to relieve stress is an Indian head massage. We will skillfully massage your face and hair part of your head. It will relieve fatigue, tension and possibly even headache and induce a feeling of intense relaxation. To bring about an intense feeling of relaxation, we use massageoil during this treatment.


Ayurveda considers this deeply relaxing and regenerating massage as a primary way to afford longevity. The technique involves special grips and strokes to the tips of the toes and fingers. The massage removes any sense of nervousness and irritability, eliminates stress-inducing toxins, and improves the quality of sleep.


One of the most effective relaxation techniques over 5,000 years old. It relieves stress and nervous tension, treats migraines and headaches, improves concentration and memory. It rejuvenates and slows mental aging by stimulating the brain centers. We use special Ayurvedic oil in this massage.


This traditional exotic massage activates the so-called marma points, the energy centres of our body. The massage is widely used for arthritic and rheumatic pains, stimulates healing processes, relieves and relaxes tension and pain. The treatment begins with a gentle washing of the hands with water and essential oil to induce the desired inner calming and balance. A scrub with pomegranate seed extracts is followed by a massage with sesame oil to activate the marma points where toxic substances, tension and negative emotional energy are deposited. This is followed by a soothing hand mask with a warm wrap.

Pregnancy variant: does not use the activation of the marma points, it is only a cosmetic hand treatment with a gentle skin massage.

Pada abhyanga - Ayurvedic foot massage

Pada Abhyanga is an oil massage of the feet, legs and knees that focuses on stimulating the reflex areas. This traditional technique promotes the proper functioning of the entire body, including the internal organs, and contributes to overall harmony and vitality.

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